
Historic Window Restoration
We lead the nation in historic window restoration, restoring steel casement windows as well as historic doors. Let Architectural Window Restoration extend the life of your uniquely historic windows and doors.
We have some of the best craftsmen and artisans in the United States who can provide expert antique window restoration, including steel & bronze and stained glass & leaded window restoration.
Our restoration services go beyond historic window restoration to include knowledgeable consultation services and project design. We are a fully equipped fabrication shop staffed with metal fabricators able to restore steel, bronze, and aluminum casement windows and doors. Moreover, we will safely remove lead-based paint and carefully collect the old paint debris for proper disposal.
Why preserve historic windows? There are many reasons to choose historic window restoration. In many cases windows are the “eyes” of a building and have been designed and created in keeping with the building’s original architectural design and character. Furthermore:
- Historic windows are more energy-efficient than new windows from the perspective that they already exist, so new raw materials, labor and energy to manufacturer replacement windows isn’t needed.
- Historic windows are made from better raw materials that are no longer available for making new windows. For example, old wood windows were made from old-growth wood, which is no longer available.
- Historic windows, in existence for nearly 100 years and more in many cases, once restored will last another 100 years.
- New windows typically have a 10-year warranty, and an expected 20- to 30-year life cycle. Once the original fabric of a historic window is discarded, it cannot be reclaimed.
- New windows usually have reduced glass area due to the thicker profiles needed for the structural members. Most new windows are made with plastic hardware components.
- Historic windows, when properly maintained, will perform as well as new windows against air and moisture leaks.
- Less than 15% of overall heat loss in a building is attributed to windows and doors.
Window Restoration Specifications
Window restoration specifications should reflect the technical and performance standards of your historic home, preservation district, preservation commission, and/or governing entities. The potential requirements involved will vary.
As North America’s premier steel window restoration company, we are leaders in setting the standard for our industry.
We confidently provide historic window assessments and restoration specifications, including general preservation planning, condition assessment reports, design development and description of work, quality assurance, delivery, project management, environmental conditions/asbestos and lead paint abatement, as well as original paint color analysis.